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Friday, May 27, 2011 11:22 PM

`Tough, exhausting, memorable, fun
329th POST! :D

I don't care about how inactive i am as a blogger. But, i just have a sudden urge to blog, to remember today and so that i can refer to this post in the future and reminiscence the memorable times i had for the first half of the year this year, 2011.

Let me recall about today's activity. We had lessons as usual until 12.15pm. 31/11 decided to eat lunch together at Bishan. We met up at the foyer and had a long time finding an eatery whereby we can fit everyone in, furthermore, at the peak hour, lunch time. So we ended up splitting up due to time constraint. At 2pm, we gathered together again and took the circle line to Nicoll highway station. 1.5km walked to the gathering point. 3.30pm: The guys started their Xcountry run. Few mins later, it was the girls' turn. We just started not long ago, many of the guys were already completed 3 quarter of their run. Amazing. And yes, i did 4km more than what majority of the girls ran, 3km. I proud of myself that i could run 4km without walking for long! (though i did walk with Jean) Completed it within 30mins. Three cheers for everyone :D After Xcountry, the entire class, except 3 of them who could not join us today, walked to Marina Square and we settled at Just Axia. (Somebody booked and reserved for us :D) It was really worth it, much better than other food restaurants. We only need to pay for our dishes and at 5% GST charge, with free flow of ice-cream and drinks. WOOTZ. But did get to eat a lot of the ice-cream anyway. &I think i am getting fatter): I could not even breathe to the fullest when i'm wearing my school skirt after having a heavy meal): oh nooo~ and my flabby... it's like :( . ah, anyway back to the day's event. Mr Kevin Tan joined us as well, he treated some of us (but not me ): ), it's alright, because i had enjoyed the food very much. And the entire restaurant was filled with mostly AJCians. HAHA, we owned that place! After dinner, it was around 8.30pm. Some of them went home already, the remaining 10+ of us decided to stay back and had some moments with one another. Walked to the nearby place near the Marina Bay Sands and floating platform. We formed a circle and just sat down and started chatting even though there were few tourists over there. Guess it was alright. HOWEVER, while we were chatting, there was this lady (KPO), took a picture of us! I'm sure she took us as the flash was in our direction and she just turned away immediately after that. [Coward, seriously] Wonder whether she'll do anything to the photo, curse her man. We're not even doing anything harmful or smoking or drinking alcohol there. After awhile we didnt care about her, anyway we did nothing wrong. Throughout the chat session, it was all about g_o_t stories ): Initially was Jerome talking about it, he really made it up himself. *LAUGHS* He failed to scare us anyway. Then it was JunWei telling about some stories. They were freaking scary. It was really creepy and everything. JunYang talked about his schoolmate's experiences as well. In the end, all the things went into my ears were like accumulating the fear buried inside me, and tears just dropped uncontrollably. Just felt scared and let it out. >.< so embarrassing anyway. haha. After all the stories, even the guys were scared! Oh no, can you imagine how eerie it was? Then we went home by separate ways at the MRT station. Those who missed the tensed up moments, too bad for you haha. On the way home with ZL, i was still quite scared. Just feel like reaching home as soon as i can. After reached home, i felt like i'm in the extremely safe zone. I felt home <3
Today was really fun. I like 31/11 more and more each and every day. They were an amazing and superb class, who are supportive of one another and majority of them are all friendly and thoughtful. Not forgetting, there must always be jokers in class to lift up the high-spirit of the class :D I LOVE THEM ALL!
This is also the FIRST TIME in my life that i am really committed to school events, e.g. Cross Country, which i also enjoyed and had loads of fun. It's much better than in secondary school, when we start to plan to skip the events and moan about it.
Life is different as from the past.

2011, starting of the year, we got out post-school results. Got into CJC, went for the orientation. Meantime, i appealed to AJC. ZL and I just felt that we made the wrong 2nd choice therefore we decided to appealed to AJ. Luckily, after the interview with the principal, we managed to get it together. It was the FIRST interview ever in my life. It was not that scary anyway, it's just like some chat with a stranger but obviously with a higher status. It was alright afterall.

Then after we chose our subjects combination, orientation starts. I remembered that was after CNY. OG 31 was fun, had dance, games and the first friend i made was Jean, then Sharon. Got along well with the two of them, love them<3 It was an awesome class. All the people are friendly. After that, lessons started and everything, we got to choose our CCA or go for trials. As i got into the school late, all the trials are over, and i realised that i do not have any music background neither am i that good in certain sports. Hence, i signed up for Student Council. I gone through interview, the 2nd in my life. Even though i was nervous at first, i think at least i spoke and managed to answer those questions posed. Passed that and we're to go through campaigning and speech. The speech, again was the FIRST time ever in my life that i stood in front of a large crowd on stage, citing my words and thoughts and feelings. Even though it was a well-prepared script, i still had butterflies in my stomach. Stood calm and i spoke. I know it wasnt entertaining at all as i might afraid i could face lost of words even though i had my cue card with me. Then, a question was directed specifically at me. I was lucky that i did not go first, since there was another guy who got directed to the same question. It was impromptu, i don't even know what i was talking about, perhaps the sentences phrasing were bad, but i hope that people know what i'm trying to convey to them. Congrats to me, i had passed the nomination stage and went on to Elects. Get to make my FIRST morning assembly announcement on the podium, it was rather weird though as i found myself tip-toeing as i spoke into the Mic. Then, got to go for 2nd announcement. It was much better, and i wish i had more opportunities as i found myself concurring my fear to speak in front of the crowd. It was definitely a rare opportunity. Went for elects' camp and stuffs, that was a training camp, hence it was not that fun.

I took bio, chem, econs and maths. The workload was twice the amount of secondary school. Life was tougher, and more tiring. I really felt myself being so restless and sometimes, my brain was not working. I stoned more oftenly as well. I felt myself aging faster. How i wish 2 years would end quickly and end my JC life. It was not easy.. Moreover, this is just the 4th month of school~ Nevertheless, we had loads of fun in school, and also the school events, e.g. family day. The FIRST time in my life that my classmates and I worked together for a fun fair thing. It was really a memorable day.

Next, life is more wonderful when there is another person who is accompanying you and sharing with you the joy and laughter. I do agree that quarrellings were inevitable and it sometimes hurt a lot. I hope that there's a smoother journey as we move on, i really feel satisfied but i dont want to suffer and experience heartache.

As i could see that i had used many "FIRST" time. I totally agreed that as i came to JC, my life changed at least a bit. I learnt many things and i learnt to open myself to others and step out of my comfort zone, and yes, i am currently still learning. I hope i can be much much more better than now after i graduated from JC. I did not regret entering JC, esp. AJC for now... JIAYOU AJCians, we can do it. JIAYOU Shanice, you can do it :D

Now, it's the start of June holiday. But does it feels like? NO. Next week, there is still make up lectures and tutorials. Then, i have AB camp. It's like, 1 week of my holiday is gone ): Nevertheless, must always be optimistic! :D

~Signing off,

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Monday, December 06, 2010 9:06 PM

`back to blogging life :D
it's December, almost the end of 2010. O level is over(since 1 month ago haha), and finally there time to do anything you like. Just came back from Bangkok & Vietnam. Still considering whether to work or not. Feel like staying at home all day long and slack :D but i think i'll grow very very very fat, maybe by the time people see me, they cant recognise me. haha! alright, i'm actually bored that i came to my blog to post(: even forgot my password! i can imagine how long since i've been blogging that i forgot the most important thing, hehe. i want more outings! more more more. shall end here, enjoy your holiday!

*wonder whether anyone will read* ^^


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Monday, May 10, 2010 4:10 PM

`it's so fast..
1st time in this year to blog! hehe
feel so sry for my blog, it's dead x:
time flies really fast, half a year is gone, oh no, aging each an every year):
actually nothing much to post also,
just that i'm happy because... MYE is over[:
shall let my bloggie continue to rot already =P



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Thursday, December 31, 2009 9:52 AM

`New Year Resolutions; Welcome 2010!
Happy NEW Year in advance(:
today marks the end of 2009, finally?
hopefully next year would always be better than the previous year,
and all our New Year wishes will come trueee!
Wish everyone to be healthy and happy always ;D

I wish that 2010 would be excellent!


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Tuesday, December 08, 2009 9:48 PM

`a day in the winter(:
Today went to SNOW CITY!
it's so funFunFUnFUN! :D
i think it's still better than SDC, didnt regret going snow city(:
wear boots, jacket and gloves. just like winter!
i wonder i could survive during winter season in our countries for few days when i could not really survive for long inside snow city =X

In the morning, went to watch twilight New Moon!
to me, it's not bad(:
almost the same as the book? just like a recap for the story to me,
but, it's still quite nice ;D
ate Pizza Hut again, but i just like it and dont feel tired of eating, hehex
then headed to Snow City where all the FUNs came along! :D
played the slides with snow tubes and my butt just felt like it had turned into a fozen meat T.T
and i regretted not renting waterproof long pants - my jeans is wet and so embarrassing to walk anywhere with a "circle" shape at my butt>.<

then, gave Darwin a surprise under his block, cream bashing on his face
and wasabi inside his & Edwin's cake LOLx
wonder how their throat felt hahax
Happy Birthday Darwin in advance!

Asyiqin, Xenia, ZhanJiang, Edwin,
Hannie, Shanice, ShaoWei, Darwin, Janwin :D

I want another outing which is as fun as this again(:


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Saturday, December 05, 2009 8:36 PM

`It's just another one more month.. )':
exactly 1 more month to school reopens!
i'm surely not going to look forward to it no matter how boring this holiday is =X
luckily, i still dont feel bored hahax, this holiday is quite packed!
there are quite a few outings in Dec, so happy^^
&CHALET! yippie(:

Have an enjoyable holiday for 1 more month! (before the nightmares start) :O
Good night~!


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Sunday, November 15, 2009 5:40 PM

`today, is the day specially make for me(:
WOOTZ! *hooray*
today, is the day my birthday falls on!
today, is the day i am officially 15!
today, is the day i grow older(but still young^^)!
today, is the day i make my wishes!
today, is the day i ate my birthday cake!
today, is the day i receive many many wishes!
today, is the day i am SUPER happy! :D
hereby, i thanks everyone for the wishes! xD
&thanks for the prezzies!
&thanks those who celebrate for me!

many many many loves!

hehex, Shanice Neo is officially 15th now(:


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Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:31 PM

`What about a day without using the computer?
Hi! :D
I've changed my blogskin, is it nice?
quite different from the previous one, as it's no longer so pinkish hehex
today there's no school, another day to relax(:
just few more days and it's holiday already, time really fly so fast, could not believe it!
just 2 more weeks of chinese intensive, and *fly* i can playy till i go crazy already^^
time faster pass and stop at the holidays!


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Tuesday, October 20, 2009 12:28 PM

`It's time to get a rest before a fresh year starts^^
oops, i've not been posting for so long.
EOY exams are finally over(:
tmr is the time where our heart pump as hard as we can hear>.<
(getting back our paper, i'm gonna flunk...)
Yesterday went bowling and celebrated Ms Xie's belated birthday,
it's funnnnnn!
I have not played bowling for so long, hehex
i scored almost 0 for all rounds~~ (eating eggs all da way =X)
overall it's fun eating eggs for the 2hours of bowling lolx

Enjoy EOY holiday in advance! must play till crazy and prepare to suffer next year(:
`take careeeees


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Sunday, August 09, 2009 12:08 PM

`do you look forward to your birthday just like Singapore?
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore! :D

have the blogger changed the way to upload pictures?
&i can't change the colour of the fonts.
ahhhh, i'm outdated already =X
it's great to have 3 days weak once again, this year seems to have a lot of breaks for at least 3 days.
everything is rather slow pacing at this moment, and i guess next year would be even slower when we want it to be faster over
one lesson i love during school is... PE! :D the outdoor elements are fun!

i think my blog is dying~
should i let it continue to suffer from death? hahax

Let's recite the pledge at 8.22pm today!
and i really wonder whether H1N1 would spread amidst the nation day parade this year, if it's... can you imagine? lol *touchwood*

shall stop here & type nonsense =X


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Sunday, June 28, 2009 12:02 PM

`Sick = nightmare!
i miss blogging, really!
hahax, it's like so long since i updated my blog already, so sorry(:
for the past one week had been my nightmare~
sick for more than a week. fever, nausea & feeling like fainting kept coming to me!
so scary~
i loathe to be sick and all the medicine>.<
lucky, i've recovered(: just left some throat ulcers.
today is the last day of school holiday!
did really enjoy holiday-sick till keep rest, watch tv prog, mapling and eat only lol
have not done my physics project too..
hmm.. seems like nothing to type already =X
currently all relatives at my house for gathering, i shall end my post with a... quiz?
i have not done a quiz for quite long already! :D
shall end my post here first, byeeeee~!

Quiz by BRENDAA! :D
1) Besides lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss?
erm..??? i dont know? lol
2) How do you feel when you woke up this morning?
just like usual~ dont feel like waking!
3) Who was the last person you took with?
took with what? picture? O.o
4) Would you consider yourself spoiled?
5) Would you donate blood?
ohhh NO!! never, i cant be kind soul for this. i might faint after donating just 1 drop>.<
6) Have you ever had a best friend who is opposite sex?
yeah somehow~
7) Do you want someone dead?
of course not!
8) What does the last message says?
last message for... ??
9) What are you thinking right now?
thinking how to answer this quiz^^
10) Do you wish someone with you right now?
11) What time you went to bed last night?
12) Where did you buy the t-shirt you're wearing right now?
not sure actually hehe
13) Is someone in your mind?
14) Who was the last person you texted?
lazy to check~

7 people tagged to do quiz.

- Who is 2 having relationship with?
hmmm.. idk? hahax
- Is 3 male or female?
female princess :D
- If 7 & 6 get together, would it be a good thing?
yeah i think so! LOL
- What is 1 studying about?
studying about someone? ;D
- When was the last time you chat with 5?
hehe forget already
- Is 4 single?
no? lol she has.......
- Say something about 2?
my BB! :D
- What do you think of 3 & 6 being together?
lesbian? OMG!!
- What do you think if 6 & 7 fight?
if they together(mentioned in previous question), should be wouldnt fight one(:
- Do you like 3?
yeah! my princess<3s

yayyeeee, i'm done(:
see you guys!
must enjoy our last moment of June holiday!


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Friday, June 12, 2009 6:42 PM

`Phobia of plucking tooth~
oh no! my blog's dying~
Australia trip is cancelled, &luckily i did not go there as the cases for H1N1 in Melbourne increase till rather high!
but... we missed the winter time at Melbourne, i don't think we're going there EOY too as it's too exp already>.<
hopefully can go overseas with the school for EOY & H1N1 faster go away~!
holiday is rather relax(:
i swore i will never pluck tooth again T.T
it's killing me, awww.

enjoy your June holiday everyone!


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Sunday, May 24, 2009 9:05 PM

`YLC rocks! :D
YLC stands for Youth Leaders Camp!
&guess what? it rocks! :D
we stayed in hostel & i stayed in 9th floor with Chiao Rong&Wei Qi(:
we chose the master bedroom which had a washroom inside it, i slept on the bottom of the double decker bed =P
this is the best camp ever that i could sleep as comfortable as i can with suitable temperature and as long as i can to bathe!

during the first 2 days, we had been having workshops(:
&one of them about tetra map, and i'm water!
the meals provided were fantastic!
there's coffee bean, pie kia, KFC, mac, pastamania and many more!
it's so OMG~

today we went adventurer park(:
played abseiling, rock climbing & something that is like commit suicide one(i dont know the name =X), also some low elements :D
we enjoyed ourselves! &i wished i could play somemore^^ but too badd.

hmm.. &i heard some creepy stuff~~
Hannoy's room window got knock 6times in the middle of the night when she was sleeping~
*hairs stood on ends*
if you're interested to know more ask her! =P

i'm exhausted by the time i reached home =X

it had been since million years ago i've posted pictures^^
this is the pig that infected by swine flu T.T
&*TADA* it had recovered fully! :D
hahax, it's same inside jokes between me&my brother
pictures for YLC:
i'm from Ninja! This is what we use to fight people =P
just like assasins in maplestory? hahax
my apartment unit!
master bedroom~!
BBQ food on yesterday night :D
i'm WATER!
YLC rocks!
the NINJAS! <3s
that's all!
i'm looking forward to red camp next year!
&going to Ngee Ann Poly on Tuesday for enrichment^^
&&7 more days to Australiaaa!!!! *Yayyeee!*

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Sunday, May 17, 2009 3:51 PM

`outings with girlfriends are memorable!
Happy Birthday Brendaaa!
Best Wishes!
stay happy always :D

Friday, went out with Asyiqin, Brenda, Hannie, HuiJun, HuiXuan, KaiHui & Wena to lotone :D
for a relaxation outing after exams(:
lunched at Pizza Hut, there are new student meals!
then we headed to the cinema, we watched Xmen origin - Wolverine.
it's niceee! but we missed the very very last part as we went out before the movie ended, awwww so sad~
in the end we knew the story already :D
the movie is nice despite the fightings~~
i want more outings with girlfriends!
&it had been many many million of years since we took neoprints,
i want neoprints too ^^


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Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:46 AM

Shanice is backkk! :D
yay, i'm so happy. MYE is finally over(:
though some of them still have their last paper today.
good luck!
after 1 week of suffocating, finally can relax all we want already.
&i think influenza A is controlled already,
so i can go Australia without any worries!
but still have to be very careful.
one of my wishes is granted & to be strike off soon, heheee

June holiday is coming, omg time flies really fast!
*zoom* we've come to mid-year already.
may time pass slower :D
i'm very very very happy that i can be free&easy already(:

enjoy your breakkk! :D


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Sunday, April 12, 2009 1:04 PM

happy 4days holiday! :D
tmr is e-learning day, so there's no need to go back school, yeepee!
however, tmr i going for a bloodtest(curious what blood group i am) LOL
hope it's alright =X
(the last time i fainted)

finally i can play pet society, must chiong alreadyyy!
have a nice nice weekend,


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Saturday, April 04, 2009 12:09 AM

It's April now(:
&April's fool was over, actually wanted to post on that day,
as there was news about the worms, i endured not to use computer>.<
these few days have been addicted to pet society in facebook already! ahhhhh,
i'm going crazy about it.
this reminds me of sec1&sec2 when i played maple till almost the whole day especially sec1, hahax
that moments were really enjoyable&fun(:
anyway, now is 2009!
few more years i'll be so old already>.<
i think i'm phobia of aging lolx.

many many people are sick these few days & viruses are spreading everywhereee~
&someone in our class claimed that she's the source of our sickness>.<
hope everyone will recover to the fullest soon!
take cares :D


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Wednesday, March 25, 2009 10:44 PM

holiday is finally over!
&welcome term 2(:

this Saturday going Science centre!
i'm looking forward to the biology trip :D
it has been since last year when we went to science centre to watch same shows,
i missed those moments(;
i want go back HCI for sabbatical again too! It was so fun&relaxing, hahax


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Saturday, March 14, 2009 8:59 PM

`The world is huge, lets explore(:
Hello! I'm back(:
Sorry for not updating, quite lazy+busy too.
this whole week i had been enjoying myself! Not in ZSS but in HCI :D
this week, i went Hwa Chong Institution for 5th Model ASEAN Summit(MAS) - Social Studies sabbatical,
while others went for chemistry & biology sabbatical at HCI too(:
actually have physics also, but i have no idea why our class didn't go.

1day, we were transport to HCI by school bus(initially) but the bus was late, so Mrs Tan called cab for 7 people. In the end, the bus came few minutes after we set off, hahax.
me, Asyiqin, Hanna, JieYi, Lee Kin, TingWei, Wei Jie, Yong Tat, ZhanJiang and ZuanLong represented Brunei during the MAS(:
&Hanna was Brunei's head of state :D

Registered and everyone received a landyard with individual's name on it.
The secretary general was Sam Kee whom was the overall in charge of the sabbatical(:
the first day was rather boring as we stayed in the Parliament Hall for the whole day i think.
Having lectures all the way~
There were rules too! Such as... Practice protocal, must mention yourself as the 3rd person(e.g. The delegate of -your nation-) and many others! everything must be very formal will do.
There were 11 nations, 10 countries are part of ASEAN and also including China.
all the works are chim for me>.<
first day we need do position papers to be handed up next day and also preparation for Ministerial Retreat(debating on declaration).
everything is just for chim for me>.<

Formal part:
"May the house please come to order",
"Delegates, laughing&clapping is not in order" etc :D

2nd day, same also, everyone gathered at the Parliament Hall.
after that we were split into our own commitee. I'm in the economics commitee! :D
formal speech on our position paper, and i forgot what's next =X
lolx, i only remembered that the whole section was interesting & hilarious!
ate Spagetti Bolognese at High School canteen too(;
and homework was to complete our draft declaration by next day.

3rd - 5th day attire was blazor, extraordinary formal.
the 3rd-4th day were to came out with a declaration which all nations agreed with it.
and Myanmar was always against with the other 10nations in almost all commitees.
we had press conference too! It is one of the most exciting part of the sabatical where the press team members would share with all delegations about the happenings during the summit such as scandals! (e.g. Vietgapore? - Vietnam is represented by Nanyang Girls, while Singapore is represented by Hwa Chong Institution. so i think something is going on and Vietgapore is created) hahax.
3rd day was a half day for the whole school so we ended earlier around 12.30pm(:
5th day, i get to sign the declaration paper! hahax, so cool^^

5th day, yesterday, we reported at 7am and joined the whole school during their morning assembly.
Find it quite cool for their morning assembly xD
the band will plays the melody every morning, everyone will sing as one(:
and they have chinese and english pledge on alternative days too!
that's so cool(:
ah! last day at HCI already>.<
but there's pictures for us to keep as memories!

overall, the sabbatical was fun&enjoyable!(:
&learnt more about Hwa Chong too, hahax.
I love the sabbatical! :D
but... Missed 1 whole week lessons, &i think i became a zombie already which triggered by dark circles!(RAWR)

after sabbatical, rushed home and prepare for sec1s guides camp.
was late! =X
reached around 3pm.
have fun throughout the entire camp, especially during night walk!
disturbed them when they are blind-folded^^
&Happy Birthday WanQi!
and we were released around 11.30am(:
ate lunch with BB(Asyiqin)&Hannoy at LJS!
finally, Home Sweet Home.
&here comes March holiday(:

finally can sleep longer for 1 week xD
this post was rather long =X, so sorry!
pictures will entertain you then! :

Brunei's flag!
love Brunei!
Economics commitee's assistant directors(:
th other nations representatives in Economics commitee!
Declaration paper(rather bored so just took some random pics)
the chair speaking in Parliament Hall.
all the head of states in the middle of the Parliament Hall to be ready to sign on the 5th MAS Fundamental Principals
Hanna signing(:
Sam Kee signing(:
all the head of states holding hands in hands
allies! The Cam-Body-Ah(Cambodia) :D
Sam Kee(The secretary general)
Guides Camp:
the sec1s! :D
PM visiting! hahax, i think all the residents are very excited. That's why..
The market is decorated with balloons and stars(:

I'm OK, you're OK.

It's very late now!
shall end here and post the other time when i'm free =P
May everyone enjoy your holiday(though it's a "long" 1 week)!

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Sunday, March 01, 2009 10:55 AM

`Enjoy every single minute of your life(:
Hello everyone!
sorry for not updating my blog for very very very long!
ytd, just came back from leadership camp(:
though it was slightly boring, but i learnt many stuffs that are not in textbooks(:
school have been rather boring, everyday is simply just the same..

school, homework, sleep and the same routine repeats 5 days a week.
somehow keeps me awake and active too :D
test and test keeps flowing too, hopefully there's no test to flood my brain next week again>.<

oh ya! On 25/02 i saw double rainbows! xD
guess most of the people saw that too!
Rainbow really brighten up my day(:
i love them<3!>
It's really beautiful, passers-by stopped and took pictures of them.
I shared my pictures with my friends too & now i've many collection of pictures of rainbows!
Wouldn't it be exciting to see rainbow everyday, especially when you're tired? ^^

I wish everyone well & not be stress up till we'll be end up in MH(mental hospital) =P


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Friday, January 23, 2009 7:58 PM

`Xin Nian Kuai Le!
CNY is around the corner!(:
it's nearer now!
this week passed very fast.
*zoom* it's Friday now ;D
4days break!
but it's not really break, cause tmr going work for dad, Sun is reunion dinner, Monday & Tuesday bai nian(:
many many homework are stacking higher and higher~
seems challenging?
i hope today's CNY performance is alright,
my hands keep shaking due to unnerves! so scary>.<
i guess this is the last time performing already(:

Happy CNY!

dont think will be blogging till next week?
see you!


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Friday, January 16, 2009 4:59 PM

`WOW 2weeks of school has over~!
i'm finally backkkkk~! after....
hmm 15 days?
& i miss blogging(:
i think my blogskin is alright already, lazy to change already.
school had been super busybusybusy!
real busy.
almost everyday back by home so late, latest 7.15pm!
omg, so tired>.<
&my class lessons everyday ends at 3pm except Tues&Friday unlike our classes):
so sad to keep staying till 3pm everyday & after add HCL inside, everyday ends very late also>.<>
in the late morning, started to get tired already =X
dont know how am i going to survive for the rest of the days~~
Good Luck to myself then =P

today, school as usual(lesser books to bring too), PE is funn(:
&i think i enjoy falling down? OMG like so unlucky. lolx, but hope no internal injuries again>.<
no guides for today, cause of sec1 orientation camp.
didnt go): cause something on later, &some personal matters.
so sadddd, have to miss the funn!
BUT i'm very very happy today!
you know why? cause i went back home earlier than any other days!
2.30pm reached home(: first time since 2009! :D
how i wish everyday ends so early, do you wish too?
CNY is around the corner!
Red packets are coming soonn, but this year the 3rd day of CNY have to go school againnn.
sick of school le, honesty>.<
homework homework homework ~
everyday counting down for weekends(:
can sleep later also ^^
but Saturday still have to go back school for physics remediallllll~~
shall update again, after CNY?
seee first(:
rmb to tag meee!
if not my blog is dying soon already =X
Thanks a lot~!
i miss everythingggg!
Now, i treasure my weekends&sleep more than everything else!
take cares,

Happy Chinese New Year in advance!
(10days early wish xD)


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Thursday, January 01, 2009 5:30 PM

actually wanted to post on 1/01 morning. but something wrong with blogger.
finally i changed my blogskin already.
hope it's alright for readers! xD
do tagged me there's something wrong with it(:

a quiz from Serene! :D

A. People who have been tagged must write their answer in their blog.

B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people who they are tagged by and cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.

C. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people:

1. Aaron
2. Asyiqin
3. Brenda
4. Hannie
5. HuiXuan
6. Jeichiel
7. Maverick
8. ZhanJiang

Qns 1 : What have you been doing recently ?
Going school&resting(:

Qns 2 : Do you ever turn your cell phone off ?
yeppy! If not waste battery.

Qns 3 : What happen at 10am today ?
outside to Causeway Point(:

Qns 4 : When did you last cry ?
If you read my blog, you'll know. Dont want to mention about the past too! xD

Qns 5 : believe in fate/destiny ?
not sure ;D

Qns 6 : What do you want in your life now ?
to be better than 2008!

Qns 7 : Do you tend to make relationships complicated ?

Qns 8 : Are you wearing anything you borrowed for someone ?
when? if now, nope(:

Qns 9 : What was the last movie you caught ?
High School Musical 3! :D

Qns 10 : Does the person you like knows that you like him/her ?
my girlfriends know!^^

Qns 11 : Who always makes you laugh ?
Family, Relatives & Friends!

Qns 12 :Do you speak languages other than english ?

Qns 13 : Favourite website(s) ?
a lot :D

Qns 14 : What are you doing tommorow ?
not sure? rotting at home? xD

Qns 15 : What do you think you are like ?
like a human? :D

Qns 16 : Who would you choose to die with ?
errr? i'm still young dont want die(:

Qns 17 : Where have you been today ?
Ms Xie's house xD

Qns 18 : What game do you play often ?
seldom play games(: as i'm sick of them already.

Qns 19 : Who you missing right now ?
my relatives! xD

Qns 20 : If you have to choose between a friend and a lover , who will you choose ?
both also dont want =P

Qns 21 : What are you doing right now ?
Typing the answers for this quiz, breathing & talking(:

Qns 22 : Which primary school were you from ?
Chua Chu Kang Primary School!

Qns 23 : name 3 colours you like ?
Red, Baby Blue, This

Qns 24 : What emotion do you like to show ?
Happy? xD

Qns 25 : What is life to you ?
Life is something wonderful & to be treasured!

Qns 26 : If you have something troubling you , what would you do ?
to forget everything(: or calm myself down.

Qns 27 : Who did you last chat with on msn ?
not sure =X forget already.

Qns 28 : Who do you admire the most ?
me, myself & I!

Qns 29 : Which month you born in ?

Qns 30 : How you feeling right now ?
Tired :D

Qns 31 : What's the time now ?

Qns 32 : Your opinion on the person who tagged you .

Qns 33 : What color do you like to dye your hair ?
natural is always the best!

Qns 34 : Why you doing this quiz ?
cause i'm tagged to do(:

Qns 35 : What do you do when you are moody ?
depends ^^

Qns 36 : At which stage do you wish to get married ?
OMG, that's not me who decide xD

Qns 37 : Who is closer to you ?
the suroundings?

Qns 38 : Who is/are the people/person you trust the most ?
my family members(:

Qns 39 : Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain ?
YEAHHHH! Cause i love rainbow ;D

Qns 40 : If you have a dream come true , what would it be ?
Everything to be granted!

Qns 41 : What is your goal for this year ?
All is about in my cravings xD

Qns 42 : Do you believe in eternity love ?

Qns 43 : What feeling do you love the most ?
to be very relaxing^^

Qns 44 : Do you really think it is global warming now ?
yeah, every day is hot!

Qns 45 : Do you like quizzes ?
depends of what quizzes they are xD

Qns 46 : do you believe in gods ?
maybe? idk.

Qns 47 : Who cares you the most ?
my family & friends? (:

Qns 48 : What do you think is the most important thing in your life ?
to be healthy & to treasure life & what's around me.

Qns 49 : What will you bring when you fight ?
my magical power! hoho~

Qns 50 : What have you regretted doing in your whole life ?
to hurt people around me >.<

Qns 51 : What do you do if nobody cared for you any longer ?
i will care more for myself xD

Qns 52 : What will you do if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you ?
ignore him forever? O.o

Qns 53 : How you feel now ?
Super happy! :D cause i finished the quizzzz(:

When out for whole day today xD
Fun & tired!
lazy to elaborate =X
see youuuu!


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12:00 AM

`Happy 2009!
Happy New Year 2009! :D
hahax, it's 1am now!
&i'm still at my first 3 lines,
guess i'm now still very excited!
It's finally, 2009.
Hello 2009!
a new year, a new start of everything!
&new revolutions too? hahax!
&new blogskin? i try find one! xD wish me good luck(:
may all the good luck & happiness spread to everyone in the Earth!
Treasure & cherish what you have(:
Chinese New Year is 25 days later!
there's new clothes to wear & red packets too!
May God bless everyone with good fortune & good health[;
&i want good luck & happiness(without sadness)! :D
May everything goes smoothly & successfully for 2009!


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Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:30 PM

`Last Day of 2008!
Last Day of 2008(31 December 2008)!
&yeah 2008 is quite a pleasant one?
but i guess everyone did gone through all the ups and downs, included me(:
I'm very happy that i myself had gone through all the TOUGHs & SADs,
though they are difficults i did it till now!
Three Cheers for everyone under the Moon currently!
i love what i have in 2008 as i think i cherished more of my life and what is around me,
just like my dear friends(:
&many many many more!
i <3 2e2'o8 & will love 3e1'09 too! xD *
Congratulations to everyone that you have gone through all the obstacles in 2008 although still left half an hour more^^
&&2009 must be better than 2008! :D
Good Luck!!

2008, good bye(:
May you blessed everyone with happiness&be healthy!


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Saturday, December 27, 2008 8:53 PM

`Indonesia! :D
yo! i'm backkk! like finally, but it's 2hours ago(:
i miss Singapore & everyone! :D
reached home at 7.30pm, it's when band concert starts.
aww, i miss it, quite disappointed, cried):
but i'm okay already xD
they are enjoying at Singapore Conference Hall now!
&the ticket will be put as display, lesson learnt too.
"not to buy tickets before confirm everything"
this trip to Indonesia was also a last minute one>.<
let's not talk about this if not i sad again..

Merry Christmas! :D
didn't celebrate Christmas.
went Indonesia with my family, cousin&aunt.
took ferry(Penguin) from Harbourfront ferry terminal to Sekupang at 8.30am(the time it set off).
first ferry was full, so took the second one.
lucky, reached Sekupang Batam after 1hour of ride, we were bought into another ferry which is to the place we're going(Tembilahan).
tickets were all sold, so some guys who wanted to earn money bought us in, gave them Rp too.
&&&went we were checking into Batam, mum was called into their office as her passport left 5months before expire.
money solve everything in Indonesia=.=" ($50 or lesser, not sure)
going into the ferry was like so squeezy & crowded.
everyone just wanted to get a seat(cause the trip is at least 5hours). they just squeezed till even if you were to drop inside the sea, it's alright. lolx.
we were squeezed till cant breathe le, so i tried to squeezed till i'm the first few to be went in =X
got a very nice seat xD
there's no air-con inside, but there's fan.
the fan seems to be just for display inside as it had never been on at all>.<
so stuffy&hot.
but thanks to dad that he thought of idea to make everyone feel cooling!
chatted with brother inside, played PSP, took pictures, listen to music etc(:
after 5hours, finally we reached there :D
cousins helped us carried lugguage
took 3wheels bicycle! what's that call in english? chinese is san lun che(: behciak(dont know how spell) in Bahasa Indonesia.
there's a lot in Tembilahan! xD
stayed in 2ndUncle house.
BIG! 2 storey high(: but below the 2storey high house is his shop(selling handphone stuffs) & 2nd uncle is the adminstrator of the wallz ice-cream in Tembilahan! omg~
not very familiar with the environment there as there's no seat toilet bowl only squat & there's no flush toilet bowls one>.<>
no tissue inside toilet too. lolx.
first day went to 3rd uncle and grandpa house too(:
also similar to 2ndUncle house just that th house is 1 storey only.
&i'm so glad that there's channelV & many other taiwan's channels at 2nd uncle house tv! wootz(:
but didnt really watch the show as the purpose to there was not that hehex.
explore~ and i felt more warmth staying there.
as all my mum's siblings were there, chatting and helping one another :D
the more the merrier!
total 10 siblings altogether.
&my cousins were there also xD
all are just like kindergardens or primaries.
cousins at my age doesnt play one of them ride motocycle(12years old only)!
there dont need license i think, know how ride can already.
played games, communications were rather poor =X
just nod my head when they keep speaking Indonesia language to me.
seldom can understand =\
but we still played as fun as anything else xD
retired at around 12am(Indonesia time 11pm[it's one hour slower than Singapore time])

26/12, yesterday!
in the morning,
one of cousins ride motocycle and drove bro&I to shop shop.
bought accessories and etc(:
ridding motocycle was so fun!
the speed is 50km/h at most. lolx.
but mostly is like 20-40km/h.
after that went back "my" house to massage.
so relaxing(:
then off to shop with mummy & aunts with cousins too.
bought 3 shirts. hoho~!
quite different from Singapore clothes, but the fashion is there i guess.
2nd day was much more better than 1st day(:
in the night, while my brother & small cousins playing together, suddenly FIGHT! omg.
then cried~~~~ cousin got punished&reprimanded by his dad>.<>
after the rain comes rainbow!
so 1hour later? okay le~
small cousins going home, played downstairs while waiting for motocycle ride xD
throw stones to the oppside houses. somehow like kampong life(: so cool!
then listen to all my 5aunts&mum chatting(:
laughter could be heard every moments!
so crowded there.
slept around 1+am at today morning.

27/12, today!
they woke up very early too! i'm almost the last few to wake up.
Chicken cukcoo could be heard around 6.30am(Indonesia time 5.30am)!
so early alright, &they are quite loud! somehow like alarm clock(: lolx
brushed teeth every morning with no taps.
the water there is not drinkable too, cooked ones are unhealthy too.
so everyone drinks mineral water.
centipede found in the kitchen!
aunts & mum all screamed & ran. lolx, cause they experienced many nightmares with centipede.
mum got bitten by it before, and the bitten part swollen.
6thaunt shared with us that centipede crawled around her body while she sleeping at night in the past for twice!
omg! & they scared of lizards too. LOL
so cute! heard many of their experiences, find that the past was like more active than nowadays
as in the past they dont use technology so communications are always there, while nowadays otherwise>.<
went to "terminal" around 8.40am(ferry set off at 9am).
squeezed in too=.="
all the ferries from Batam of to Batam was full till people had to sit on top and the pathway in the middle.
trip back to Batam was somehow terrible though.
very frustrated and irritated by bro & add on i was tired>.<
all mixed together were crazy! &i had flu again T.T
before going to Indonesia was alright then 2nd night flu till a bit not feeling well, trip back also..
estimated time to reach Sekupang Batam was 2pm...
but who knows, lady luck was not with us, the ferry somehow spoil? from 5 engines to 4 engines=,="
4.30pm then reached there):
took 5pm ferry to Singapore.
reached Harbourfront at 6pm...
checked out and etc took 1hour..
&then just cant make it):
rather disappointed when on the way home...
as i thought i could make it.
but i cant>.<
nevermind! hahax, no fate or no luck(:
it's okay anyway :D

trip to Indonesia was good!
you can litter anywhere u want as there's no rubbish bin on the road.
no lamppost on the road too neither there's traffic light?
only have a few like 2-3 ba.. lolx.
motocycles&3wheels bicycle could be seen everywhere u go(:
so funnnn!
i love Indonesia lifestyle but not the people there>.<
everywhere also smoke smoke smoke, can't tahan.
even road cements become soils. lolx.
had fun there thought(:

sorry that this post is rather long =X so luosuo. xD
pictures shall entertain you!
mask(took this at Beauty World Plaza)
the mole reminded me of Hottie & the Nottie the girl. lolx (guides should remember =P)
no smoking there~ very rare. lolx.
Pintu Darurat means what? lolx
litter on the ferry =X
the gaps in between seats was our rubbish bin! hahax.
can you see the clouds? it's like so cute and low! should be quite soft to hug ^^
kept stopping at Islands for people to alight/board. like this is Guntung
another view of it xD
&the waters are very very dirty! eeeek >.<
the water splashing can prove to you that it's dirty & ther's air pollution! OMG.
ferries do stopped beside the ferry we taking for people to alight and board, that's why one of the reasons the trip was so long>.<
the kampong houses(:
boat with many many coconuts(the orange ones) on it!
there are many many coconut trees at an area where i think people got it from there.
that's the sea water colour at Indonesia.. quite disgusting.
on the small boat was 2 little boys! they are catching fishes (:
this was the packet of "curry" rice we bought on the way to Tembilahan where people came in and sell to passengers. &guess what? the ingredients was rice with chicken neck and chicken's organs. ewwww! Daddy said that it was for dogs not for human=.="
daddy's idea to make everyone cooling :D this one dont really works well.
but this is! xD newpapers stucking between window handle(:
Mummy and brother on the 3wheel bicycle! :D
motocycles everywhere.
saw this little thing on the wall near the stairs at 2nd uncle house & just now, my brother told me that it's fake one! omg, i didnt know that and it made me scared and be aware of it. lolx.
rare traffic light & zebra crossing somehow no use one. lol cause people walk around everywhere.
while i'm on motocycle!:D
1st aunt shop :D
so many bottles of water! :o
brother strolling into 1staunt shop(:
wow! so many nice tidbits that's not found in Singapore ;D but i never try them too =X
stairs with so many stocks beside!
one of the games i played with small cousins :D did you figure it out how to play? oops there's some error there too =X
the houses from top view at 2nd uncle house!
the signal thingy for television. every houses have this if have tv(:
sea and morning view! :D
another view :D
the bedroom everyone slept except 2nd uncle! :D it's very big! can sleep 20+people(:
it'll be ideal for camps! hahax
the mineral water everyone drinks(:
a carton of them!
the toilet bowl, with many other insects and lizards inside>.< there's no flush, just like that only
for bathing but cant bath inside as there's no hole for water to drip out as it's meant for putting water inside like wells(wishing wells?). hahax. beside was the toilet bowl(:
&finally! i've done with everything(:
not all pictures are here though xD
i lazy post more le =X
missed guides meeting on 26/12):
missed band concert too):
i already miss bowling outing still missed these two>.<
worst of the worst!
aw, that's sad!
let bygones be bygones then(:
Good night!
i'm tired already>.<
11pm le =X
those went to concert still having supper outside lolx.

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Yours Truly

Everyone is welcome here!
I don't mind if you dislike me,
because nobody is perfect
&i can't make the entire world like me too
Tag before you leave!
Thanks & much loves♥
Have a nice day(:

kawaiis since 271009.
Leave if you dislike me :D
Everything is [c]opyrighted!

♥ The Lady

Shanice Neo is my name,
15/11 is the day I grow 1-year older,
Officially 15! :D
Zhenghua SecondaryAndersonJC is my second home,
1E2'o7;2E2'o8 is .
I belongs to Guides Family though i've stepped down xD
I'm a Rainbow Lover! :D
email. friendster. facebook


I love
Baked Pasta! :D
Korean&Taiwan Drama(Romance)!


[ ]Oveaseas trip!
[ ]Good Results!
[ ]3E1'09 class blog! xD
[ ]3E1'09 class tee!
[ ]2010 EOY chalet! :D
[ ]Vintage 2010!(:
[ ]travel around the world!*
[ ]All my cravings to be GRANTED![:

Speak Out Loud

Your Sweetest Tag! (:
If you want me to link you,
do leave your url in your tag.
Thankyou, loves![:


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Music Beats


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